
Check CeTI’s mul­ti­fa­ce­ted Im­pacts

There is a lot of activity inside and around CeTI that serves to demonstrate and communicate the CeTI concepts, and to establish the excellent research cluster that CeTI stands for.

Contributions to public events are just one part of the activities; but there is a lot happening inside and among the researchers and chairs.

Collaboration within CeTI

Journals & Magazines
Book chapters
Image of a researcher with a glove controlling a robot and a man shaking hands with a robotic arm


Cornelia Wulf and Sergio A. Pertuz and Diana Göhringer: Hardware-level access control and scheduling of shared hardware accelerators. 27th Euromicro Conference Series on Digital System Design (DSD) – Best Paper Award.

Nils Husung, Clemens Dubslaff, Holger Hermanns, Maximilian A. Köhl: OxiDD: A safe, concurrent, modular, and performant decision diagram framework in rust. 30th International Conference, TACAS 2024, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024 – Best Paper Award.

Holger Boche, Andrea L. Grigorescu Vlass, Rafael F. Schaefer, H. Vincent Poor: Algorithmic computability of the capacity of additive colored Gaussian noise channels. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2023 – Best Paper Award.

Xin Xu, Jens Wagner, Frank Ellinger: 60 GHz up-conversion mixer in 22 nm FD-SOI CMOS with back-gate mode switching. IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT), 2023 – Best Student Paper Award.

Peter Sossalla, Johannes Hofer, Christian L. Vielhaus, Justus Rischke, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Offloading visual SLAM processing to the edge: An energy perspective. International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 2023 – Best Paper Award.

Xin Xu, Jens Wagner, Frank Ellinger: Two Wilkinson-power-combiners designed with transmission lines and lumped elements in 22 nm FD-SOI CMOS. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean International Conference (RADIO), 2023 – Best Student Paper Award.

Aniket Chakraborthy, Suresh Nuthalapati, Rico Escher, Anindya Nag: 3D printed mould-based flexible sensors for tactile sensing applications. International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST), 2022 – Student Presentation Award.

Mengchen Xiong, Xiao Xu, Dong Yang, Eckehard Steinbach: Robust depth estimation in foggy environments combining RGB images and mmwave radar. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 2022 – Best Student Paper Award.

Ran Yin, Clara Pechnig, Krzysztof Nieweglowski, Karsten Meier, Karlheinz Bock: Process developments on sheet molding and redistribution deposition for Cu-pillar chips. International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), 2022 – Excellent Paper Award for Young Scientist.

Christian Hoyer, Lucas Wetzel, Dimitris Prousalis, Jens Wagner, Frank Jülicher, Frank Ellinger: Stability analysis of mutually synchronized spatially distributed 24 GHz oscillators. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2022 – Best Paper Award.

Caspar von Lengerke, Alexander Hefele, Juan A. Cabrera Guerrero, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Stopping the data flood: Post-Shannon traffic reduction in digital-twins applications. IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), WS4: International Workshop on Technologies for Network Twins (TNT), 2022 – Best Paper Award.

Stefan Senk, Marian Ulbricht, Javier Acevedo, Giang T. Nguyen, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Flexible measurement testbed for evaluating time-sensitive networking in industrial automation applications. IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NETSOFT), 2022 – Best Student Paper Award.

Paul Walther, Thorsten Strufe: Blind twins: Siamese networks for non-interactive information reconciliation. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2020 – Best Paper Award.

Konstantin Klamka, Raimund Dachselt, Jürgen Steimle: Rapid iron-on user interfaces: Hands-on fabrication of interactive textile prototypes. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2020 – Honorable Mention Award.

Robert Fuhrmann, Anke Lehmann, Annett Mitschick, Ricardo Langner, Raimund Dachselt: CoFind: A browser plugin for investigating co-located collaborative web search. Conference on Mensch und Computer (MuC), 2020 – Honorable Mention Award.

Clemens Dubslaff, Patrick Koopmann, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: Ontology-mediated probabilistic model checking. International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM), 2019 – Best Paper Award.

Lucas Scheuvens, Tom Hößler, André Noll Barreto, Gerhard P. Fettweis: Wireless control communications co-design via application-adaptive resource management. IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2019 – Best Paper Award.

Dominik Rivoir, Sebastian Bodenstedt, Felix von Bechtolsheim, Marius Distler, Jürgen Weitz, Stefanie Speidel: Unsupervised temporal video segmentation as an auxiliary task for predicting the remaining surgery duration. International Workshop on OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters (OR 2.0), 2019 – Best Paper Award.

Daniel Ernst, Krzysztof Nieweglowski, Karlheinz Bock: Feasibility study of magnetically enhanced interconnects for integration of flexible and stretchable electronics. IEEE-EPS Electronics System-Integration Technology Conferences (ESTC), 2022 – Outstanding Poster Award.

Weizhou Luo, Eva Goebel, Patrick Reipschläger, Mats O. Ellenberg, Raimund Dachselt: Exploring and slicing volumetric medical data in augmented reality using a spatially-aware mobile device. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2021 – Best Poster Award.

Tobias Scheinert and Stefan Senk: Best Demostration Award, “5G-TSN FlexTac: Experience a New Touch” at the IEEE INFOCOM Workshop, 2024.

Sifat Rezwan: Best Demonstration Award, “Balancing beyond-Shannon: Demonstration of functional compression using a balancing robot” at the IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2024.

Jonas Schulz: Best Demonstration Award, “Anticipatory hand glove: Understanding human actions for enhanced interaction”, at the UbiComp/ISWC 2023.

Roberto Calandra’s collaborator Haozhi Qi won the Outstanding Demonstration Award at the Robot Learning Workshop that took place at the Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). The demo was based on the joint work “General in-hand object rotation with vision and touch” presented at the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2023.

Lisa-Marie Lüneburg, Tina Bobbe, Stefan Teubner, Jan Ljubimov: Saxon State Prize for Design in the category “Young communication design” for their interactive exhibit “Scissors, Rock, Paper”, 2021.

Yichen Fan: Saxon State Prize for Design in the category “Young product design” for his tactile training system for minimally invasive operations using computer-aided systems, 2021.

Emese Papp: Saxon State Prize for Design, Special Prize under the motto “Design makes occupational safety attractive” for her work on the exoskeleton “Paexo Back”, 2021.

Christel Baier, Calvin Chau and Sascha Klüppelholz: QEST+FORMATS Outstanding Artifact Award for Certificates and Witnesses for Multi-objective Queries in Markov Decision Processes at CONFEST 2024

Martin Wagner and Beat P. Müller-Stich and Anna Kisilenko and Duc Tran and Patrick Heger and Lars Mündermann and David M. Lubotsky and Benjamin Müller and Tornike Davitashvili and Manuela Capek and Annika Reinke and Carissa Reid and Tong Yu and Armine Vardazaryan and Chinedu I. Nwoye and Nicolas Padoy and Xinyang Liu and Eung-Joo Lee and Constantin Disch and Hans Meine and Tong Xia and Fucang Jia and Satoshi Kondo and Wolfgang Reiter and Yueming Jin and Yonghao Long and Meirui Jiang and Qi Dou and Pheng A. Heng and Isabell Twick and Kadir Kirtac and Enes Hosgor and Lindström Bolmgren, Jon and Michael Stenzel and von Siemens, Björn and Long Zhao and Zhenxiao Ge and Haiming Sun and Di Xie and Mengqi Guo and Daochang Liu and Hannes G. Kenngott and Felix Nickel and von Frankenberg, Moritz and Franziska Mathis-Ullrich and Annette Kopp-Schneider and Lena Maier-Hein and Stefanie Speidel and Sebastian Bodenstedt: Ferdinand Sauerbruch Research Award from the Berlin Surgical Society – Association of Surgeons of Berlin and Brandenburg for the journal entitled Comparative validation of machine learning algorithms for surgical workflow and skill analysis with the HeiChole benchmark.

Roberto Calandra: IEEE Early Academic Career Award from the Robotics and Automation Society, 2024

Andreas Noll : VDE Award Bayern 2023, “Vibrotactile Communication: Signal Compression, Quality Assessment and Enhancement, Actuator Equalization”, 2023.

Our video “Night at the Museum | Excellent Robotics Research from Saxony” won the Gold Award of the US International Awards in the category Corporate Videos – Science & Technology. The awards have a distinguished history of more than 50 years within the industry of corporate videos and documentaries. 2023.

The video was also selected as Platinum Winner of the TITAN Health Awards in the category Video, Commercial and Film – Technology/Science. TITAN Health Awards honour evolving qualities of the global health industry, recognising extensive achievements in the ever-expansive global health industry. 2023.

Felix von Bechtolsheim: Gerhard Bueß Technology Award from the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) for the best technology presentation entitled “Differences in tissue handling and force application in robotic surgery after virtual reality training compared to training on a real robotic system” at the International EAES Congress, 2023.

Florian Oehme: INTUITIVE – EAES Robotic Award for the best oral presentation on robotics entitled “Heart attack protection for surgeons: Robotic-assisted surgery (RAS) influences stress-related parameters such as cortisol level, respiratory- and heart rate positively” at the International EAES Congress, 2023.

Dominik Rivoir: Outstanding Reviewer Award at the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2022.

Dominik Rivoir: Best Reviewer Award at the International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), 2022.

Sonja Groß, Silija Breimann, Sascha Schwarz, Amartya Ganguly, Sami Haddadin: Industrial Award, 3rd place, for “Embedded 3D printing: A cost-effective development platform for tactile sensors” at the International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (EuroHaptics), 2022.

Jeannine Born, Amr Osman: 1st place in the Telekom Challenge for “Automatic network isolation of IoT devices” offering innovative ideas for secure data distribution in tomorrow’s home networks, 2022.

Máté Tömösközi, Maroua Taghouti: 2nd place in the Telekom Challenge for “bitteiler” showing the previously untapped potential of integrated in-network compression and coding, 2022.

Weizhou Luo and Eva Goebel and Patrick Reipschläger and Mats O. Ellenberg and Raimund Dachselt: Best Research Demo Honorable Mention Award, for “Demonstrating spatial exploration and slicing of volumetric medical data in augmented reality with handheld devices” at IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct),2021.

Eckehard Steinbach: Technical Contribution Award from the IEEE Tactile Internet Technical Committee (IEEE ComSoc) for distinguished contributions to the Haptic Codecs, which is an essential part of the Tactile Internet, and his active contribution to and chairing the IEEE P1918.1.1 Group on Haptics Codecs, 2021.

Matthias Jobst, Johannes Partzsch: 1st prize in the BMBF Pilot Innovation Competition for “Energy-efficient AI system” as part of the project team ZEN at the chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics of Prof. Christian G. Mayr, 2021.

Find out more about our awards!

A man assembling an autonomous vehicle for wireless networks


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Proceedings Articles


Martin Byrenheid; Stefanie Roos; Thorsten Strufe

Attack-resistant spanning tree construction in route-restricted overlay networks Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2019.

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Tung V. Doan; Giang T. Nguyen; Hani Salah; Sreekrishna Pandi; Michael Jarschel; Rastin Pries; Frank H. P. Fitzek

Containers vs. virtual machines: Choosing the right virtualization technology for mobile edge clouds Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2019.

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Robert-Steve Schmoll; Tobias Fischer; Hani Salah; Frank H. P. Fitzek

Comparing and evaluating application-specific boot times of virtualized instances Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2019.

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Andreas Traßl; Lucas Scheuvens; Tom Hößler; Norman Franchi; Gerhard P. Fettweis

On dependability metrics for wireless industrial communications – Applied to IEEE 802.11ax Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2019.

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Arturo A. González Rodríguez; Andrés M. Villamil Sánchez; Norman Franchi; Gerhard P. Fettweis

String stable CACC under LTE-V2V mode 3: Scheduling periods and transmission delays Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2019.

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Andreas Peetz; Konstantin Klamka; Raimund Dachselt

BodyHub: A reconfigurable wearable system for clothing Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST-Adjunct), 2019.

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Andrés M. Villamil Sánchez; Arturo A. González Rodríguez; Norman Franchi; Gerhard P. Fettweis

Observer-based packet drop mitigation for string stable CACC Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Control and Robot Technology (ICCRT), 2019.

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Lucas Scheuvens; Tom Hößler; André Noll Barreto; Gerhard P. Fettweis

Wireless control communications co-design via application-adaptive resource management Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2019, (Best Paper Award).

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Roberto Torre; Hani Salah; Giang T. Nguyen; Frank H. P. Fitzek

Evaluating the latency overhead of network-coded cooperative networks for different cloud sizes Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), SECRET Workshop, 2019.

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Mahshid Mehrabi; Hani Salah; Frank H. P. Fitzek

A survey on mobility management for MEC-enabled systems Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), SECRET Workshop, 2019.

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Sarah Irum; Roberto Torre; Hani Salah; Giang T. Nguyen; Gerrit J. Schulte; Frank H. P. Fitzek

Network-coded cooperative communication in virtualized mobile small cells Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), SECRET Workshop, 2019.

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Clemens Dubslaff; Kai Ding; Andrey Morozov; Christel Baier; Klaus Janschek

Breaking the limits of redundancy systems analysis Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), 2019.

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Andreas Traßl; Tom Hößler; Lucas Scheuvens; Norman Franchi; Gerhard P. Fettweis

Deriving an empirical channel model for wireless industrial indoor communications Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2019.

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Dominik Grzelak; Uwe Aßmann

Bigraphical meta-modeling of fog computing-based systems Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems (SOLSTICE), 2019.



Christel Baier; Nathalie Bertrand; Jakob Piribauer; Ocan Sankur

Long-run satisfaction of path properties Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 2019.

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Florian Wieczorek; Hans Winger; Carmen Sachse; Wolfgang Trümper; Andreas Nocke; Chokri Cherif

Function integration – Innovative knitted fabrics for life 4.0 Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the World Textile Conference (AUTEX), 2019.

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Amr Osman; Simon Hanisch; Thorsten Strufe

SeCoNetBench: A modular framework for secure container networking benchmarks Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Edge Computing (EuroS&P), 2019.

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Amr Osman; Pascal Brückner; Hani Salah; Frank H. P. Fitzek; Thorsten Strufe; Mathias Fischer

Sandnet: Towards high quality of deception in container-based microservice architectures Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2019.

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Lisa-Marie Lüneburg; Emese Papp; Jens Krzywinski

5G Sports – Tragbare Technologiedemonstratoren im Bereich 5G Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Konferenz Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben (EEE), 2019.



Ariel Podlubne; Diana Göhringer

FPGA-ROS: Methodology to augment the robot operating system with FPGA designs Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 2019.

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