Curriculum Vitae

Hans Winger studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Dresden and graduated with as a Dipl.-Ing. in Lightweight Construction, specializing in plastics engineering and lightweight construction. After a short period working in an engineering office, he returned to the university at the beginning of 2017 and joined the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Materials (ITM) in the research group for sensor, measurement and actuator technology. Here, he focuses on functional integration in textiles for various applications.
At the Chair of Acoustics and Haptics, he is continuing his research in the CeTI context with a focus on haptic feedback systems

Projects/Cooperation within CeTI you are involved in:

• CeTI-Gloves
• Surfscenarios
• Rock-Paper-Scissors/Hello Robot
• Smart Kinesiotape/Box lifting task

What do you value most about your work at CeTI?

The interdisciplinary cooperation with all the colleagues from the different professions, institutes, companies and organizations


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Henriette Grellmann; Felix M. Lohse; Vikram G. Kamble; Hans Winger; Andreas Nocke; Rico Hickmann; Sven Wießner; Chokri Cherif

Fundamentals and working mechanisms of artificial muscles with textile application in the loop (Journal Article)

In: Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 023001:1–26, 2022.

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Hans Winger; Johannes Mersch; Henriette Probst; Florian Wieczorek; Philippa R. C. Böhnke; Iris Kruppke; Eric Häntzsche; Andreas Nocke; Chokri Cherif

Electromechanical properties of silver-plated yarns and their relation to yarn construction parameters for human motion monitoring and soft robotic proprioception (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the World Textile Conference (AUTEX), 2021.

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Anna Schwendicke; Hans Winger; Florian Wieczorek; Lisa-Marie Lüneburg; Tina Bobbe; M. Ercan Altinsoy

Kinderleicht greifen – Angepasste haptische Eingabe für Kinder und Jugendliche (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), 2021.

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M. Ercan Altinsoy; Thomas Hulin; Uwe Vogel; Tina Bobbe; Raimund Dachselt; Konstantin Klamka; Jens Krzywinski; Simone Lenk; Lisa-Marie Lüneburg; Sebastian Merchel; Andreas Nocke; Harsimran Singh; Anna Schwendicke; Hans Winger

Sensors and actuators (Book Chapter)

In: Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Li, Shu-Chen; Speidel, Stefanie; Strufe, Thorsten; Şimşek, Meryem; Reisslein, Martin (Ed.): Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop, Chapter 10, pp. 229–254, Academic Press, 2021.



Luca Oppici; Tina Bobbe; Lisa-Marie Lüneburg; Andreas Nocke; Anna Schwendicke; Hans Winger; Jens Krzywinski; Chokri Cherif; Thorsten Strufe; Susanne Narciss

Internet of Skills (Book Chapter)

In: Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Li, Shu-Chen; Speidel, Stefanie; Strufe, Thorsten; Şimşek, Meryem; Reisslein, Martin (Ed.): Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop, Chapter 4, pp. 77–99, Academic Press, 2021.



Anna Schwendicke; Hans Winger; Florian Wieczorek; M. Ercan Altinsoy

Begreifen – Wie unabhängig arbeiten unsere Finger wirklich? (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), 2020.

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Florian Wieczorek; Hans Winger; Carmen Sachse; Quentin Bollengier; Wolfgang Trümper; Andreas Nocke; Chokri Cherif

Knitted products for Human-in-the-Loop applications (Poster P85) (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADD-ITC), 2019.



Florian Wieczorek; Hans Winger; Carmen Sachse; Wolfgang Trümper; Andreas Nocke; Chokri Cherif

Function integration – Innovative knitted fabrics for life 4.0 (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the World Textile Conference (AUTEX), 2019.

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