Curriculum Vitae

Jens Wagner was born in 1981 in Freital, Germany. He received his Diploma degree in September 2008 from TU Dresden. Since April 2010 he is researching at the Chair for Circuit design where he received his PhD degree in April 2017. Since May 2013 he is leading the research group “RF Frontend Design”.

Projects/Cooperation within CeTI you are involved in:

• Glove
• Kinesiotape

What do you value most about your work at CeTI?

The collaboration with so many disciplines.

What was your best moment at CeTI so far?

The truck at the very beginning. It was just amazing how many cool things where already there!

What else would you like to research?

How will close to body technology change our lives in the next decade?

How do you spend your spare time?

I really love to go out climbing.


48 Einträge « 5 of 5 »

Andres Seidel; Valentin Grams; Jens Wagner; Frank Ellinger

Asymmetric Doherty power amplifier at 60 GHz in 130 nm BiCMOS (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC), 2021.

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Christian Hoyer; Dimitrios Prousalis; Lucas Wetzel; Rabia F. Riaz; Jens Wagner; Frank Jülicher; Frank Ellinger

Mutual synchronization with 24 GHz oscillators (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2021.

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Xin An; Jens Wagner; Frank Ellinger

Fully differential ultra-wideband amplifier with 46 dB gain and positive feedback for increased bandwidth (Journal Article)

In: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 1083–1087, 2021.

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Jens Wagner; Frank Ellinger; Diana Göhringer; Karlheinz Bock; Christian G. Mayr; Ronald Tetzlaff; Gökhan Akgün; Krzysztof Nieweglowski; Johannes Partzsch; Jens Müller; Dirk Plettemeier

Tactile electronics (Book Chapter)

In: Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Li, Shu-Chen; Speidel, Stefanie; Strufe, Thorsten; Şimşek, Meryem; Reisslein, Martin (Ed.): Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop, Chapter 12, pp. 283–299, Academic Press, 2021.



Rabia F. Riaz; Dimitrios Prousalis; Christian Hoyer; Jens Wagner; Frank Ellinger; Frank Jülicher; Lucas Wetzel

Stability and transient dynamics of PLLs in theory and experiments (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 2020.

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Martin Schubert; Laura Wambera; Olha Mudrievska; Krzysztof Nieweglowski; Jens Wagner; Johannes Partzsch; Christian G. Mayr; Frank Ellinger; Karlheinz Bock

Flexible and stretchable redistribution layer with embedded chips for human–machine interface (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 2020.

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Xin An; Jens Wagner; Frank Ellinger

An efficient ultrawideband pulse transmitter with automatic on-off functionality for primary radar systems (Journal Article)

In: IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 449–452, 2020.

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Andres Seidel; Jens Wagner; Frank Ellinger

3.6 GHz asymmetric Doherty PA MMIC in 250 nm GaN for 5G applications (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 2020.

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48 Einträge « 5 of 5 »