The concept of virtual research rooms

To enable a rich and dynamic exchange of ideas among the experts from the different research areas represented in CeTI we use the concept of virtual research rooms (VRR). We foresee a cross-level hierarchy from disciplinary talent pool (TP) rooms that group all principal investigators (PI) from a single domain, over interdisciplinary key concept (K) rooms, in which experts from different disciplines co-operate on shared innovative solutions, to the use case (U) rooms.

To enable a rich and dynamic exchange of ideas among the experts from the different research areas represented in CeTI we use the concept of virtual research rooms (VRR). We foresee a cross-level hierarchy from disciplinary talent pool (TP) rooms that group all principal investigators (PI) from a single domain, over interdisciplinary key concept (K) rooms, in which experts from different disciplines co-operate on shared innovative solutions, to the use case (U) rooms.

The U rooms

We have identified three use case rooms that are designated for three application domains, namely Medicine (U1), Industry (U2), and Internet of Skills (U3).

How can we advance medical care?

By developing next-generation computer- and robotic-assisted surgery and training.
A person and a robotic arm working together in production

How can we advance
work routines?

By creating a seamless human–robot collective in both real and virtual worlds.
Woman playing the piano, with the help of imaginary robotic arms

How can we advance
training technologies?

By developing innovative training technologies for the public.