Curriculum Vitae

Mingyu Ma has been a PhD student at the chair since September 2023. He completed his diploma studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at TU Dresden from 2019 to 2023. In 2018, he earned his B.Sc. degree in Communication Engineering from XiDian University in Xi’an, China. Currently, he is focusing on topics related to network softwarization, including data plane programming and haptic communication.

Projects/Cooperation within CeTI you are involved in:
Haptic communication systems

What is your research interest?

Network softwarization, Programming data plane and P4, Haptic communication, Network simulation/emulation.

What motivated you to do what you do today?

The seamless communication between devices, the rapid exchange of information, and the potential to further revolutionize industries and daily life drove me to specialize in this domain.

What do you find particularly interesting about CeTI?

What particularly intrigues me about CeTI is its interdisciplinary approach, bringing together experts from various fields to collaboratively address the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow’s interconnected world.

How do you spend your free time?

Play football, play games.