Curriculum Vitae

After obtaining his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Volkan moved to Dresden to study Computational Modeling and Simulation with a focus on Life Science. Over the course of his studies, he worked on various topics such as predictive DNA models for the “Language of DNA”, diffusion models to edit and augment endoscopic images automatically, explainable AI methods for the understanding of anorexia nervosa, and reinforcement learning algorithms for the automation of a minimally invasive surgery task. He also regularly competed in artificial intelligence competitions. Currently, his research focus lies on multi-agent reinforcement learning with communication.

Projects/co-operation within CeTI you are already involved in:

What is your research interest?

My research focuses on multi-agent reinforcement learning with communication and robotics.

What motivated you to do what you do today?

I want to have an impact on robotic automation and surgery.

What do you find particularly interesting about CeTI?

The multidisciplinary approach that allows me to easily connect and collaborate with researchers who are from different disciplines.

To which question have you not found an answer lately? / What else would you like to research?

I have been considering to convert my bike to a fixie.

How do you spend your free time?

Cycling, running, tabletop games.