7th IEEE 5G++ Summit Dresden
12. May 2022
7th IEEE 5G++ Summit Dresden
IEEE 5G++ Summit Dresden has become a prominent annual fixture on the road to 6G. The well-known high-impact conference brings together industry leaders, innovators, and researchers from industry and academia to exchange ideas that will help to drive standards and rapid deployment of 5G++ technologies.
The IEEE 5G++ Summit Dresden takes a holistic approach to 5G++ system design, ranging from silicon hardware, wireless interfaces, networks, edge clouds all the way up to Tactile Internet applications.
Over the past 6 years, there was great success with four physical events at the Dresden Congress Center and two virtual events in 2020 and 2021, due to the global travel restrictions. For 2022, the 5G++ Summit returs to the tried and true format as a physical event, with the option of limited virtual participation. The summit and exhibition will take place on May 12, 2022 atthe new venue, Messe Dresden.