Curriculum Vitae

After finishing my Bachelor’s degree in media computer science in Nuremberg, with my thesis focusing around SLAM algorithms and self-driving vehicles, I pursued my Master’s degree at the TU Dresden. During my studies, I was able to explore the world of Mixed Reality and discovered my fascination with it, especially within its application in the medical field. Therefore, after finishing my Master’s, I started working at the chair of Multimedia Technology in the scope of a research project revolving around enhancing laparoscopic surgery through Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality. Here, I mainly researched topics such as pre- and intraoperative data visualization, and innovative interaction methods and technologies in Augmented Reality. Eventually, I joined CeTI in 2022, where I now get to merge all my areas of interest: Medicine, robots, Artificial Intelligence, Mixed Reality and novel interaction techniques and modalities.

What is your research interest?

I am mainly focused on Mixed Reality and novel interaction techniques and modalities in that context, especially when applied to a medical application area.

What motivated you to do what you do today?

I always wanted to be part of something bigger and make my contribution to shaping the future.

What do you find particularly interesting about CeTI?

CeTI offers the unique chance of belonging to an interdisciplinary community of highly qualified, deeply interlinked individuals, which offers different perspectives on research and so much room for collaboration.

How do you spend your free time?

I like to read, and draw and get lost in music and movies. I love art and going to museums and galleries.



Katja Krug; Julián Méndez; Weizhou Luo; Raimund Dachselt

Don’t leave me out: Designing for device inclusivity in mixed reality collaboration (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Workshop on Designing Inclusive Future Augmented Realities, 2024.

(Links | BibTeX)


Katja Krug; Ricardo Langner; Konstantin Klamka

Discussing facets of hybrid user interfaces for the medical domain (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2023.

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Katja Krug; Marc Satkowski; Reuben Docea; Tzu-Yu Ku; Raimund Dachselt

Point cloud alignment through mid-air gestures on a stereoscopic display (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) – Extended Abstracts (EA), 2023.

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Wolfgang Büschel; Katja Krug; Konstantin Klamka; Raimund Dachselt

Demonstrating CleAR Sight: Transparent interaction panels for augmented reality (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) – Extended Abstracts (EA), 2023.

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Katja Krug; Wolfgang Büschel; Konstantin Klamka; Raimund Dachselt

CleAR Sight: Exploring the potential of interacting with transparent tablets in augmented reality (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2022.

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