Curriculum Vitae

Interdisciplinary work has always been something integral to my academic interests. After completing my first bachelor’s degree at TU Dresden and Ca’ Foscari Venezia in Business and Economics I changed direction and went into the humanities. I studied Philosophy at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin as well as Freie Universität Berlin. I am interested in topics at the intersection of philosophy, economics, and technology with a focus on themes such as (structural) injustice, freedom, and power.

Projects/Cooperation within CeTI you are involved in:
I am working on a project called “Democratizing the Internet of Skills”, an assessment of normative issues relating to CeTI’s research goals.
One of the aims of this research project is to develop a vocabulary and suggest established models for natural and engineering scientists to envision and examine the impact of their technologies.

What is your research interest?

The impact digital technologies have on different parts of our lives is immeasurable. However, developments in this area are often evaluated solely in terms of technological challenges or simply hailed as progress. But they can also exacerbate existing social problems and injustices. This requires thorough normative reflection of the kind (political) philosophy can offer.
Examining the impact of technologies such as robotics, AI, or algorithms allows for scientific research with topicality and urgency that is rare for philosophy and that I am very much interested in.

What motivated you to do what you do today?

Doing philosophy in relation to current topics has always interested me most. It is a theoretical lens that allows me to critically examine relevant topics in an analytically exact manner.

What do you find particularly interesting about CeTI?

Getting insights about technological developments you cannot get from philosophy alone.

To which question have you not found an answer lately?

Does it matter if what I see as the color red is not the same you might see as red?

How do you spend your free time?

Apart from spending time with my family and friends, cooking and reading, I enjoy going to art museums or to the theatre and spending time outside, here at home in Berlin.