K1 Room

Haptic codecs

K1 will develop haptic codecs in terms of plug-and-play interoperability, which are essential for the implementation of the global tactile Internet.

Blue graphic illustration depicting a person with circles formed by the five senses around their head. The person is connected to a source that transmits data.

The Aim

Our aim is to develop advanced concepts for efficient, low-latency, and highly perceptive visual-haptic communication, taking into account user age and experience. We are working on creating pioneering, scalable, and learning-oriented haptic codecs that are essential for the implementation of the global Tactile Internet.

The Innovation

CeTI is at the forefront of developing technologies for the future of human-machine interaction. Our research focuses on designing haptic codecs that allow for efficient and precise transmission of tactile data over global networks, and on implementing communication systems that integrate visual and tactile feedback, reducing latency for a smooth and realistic user experience. Our solutions are customizable based on the user’s age and experience, enhancing accessibility and interaction effectiveness.

The Expertise

The CeTI team combines experts from various disciplines to tackle the challenges of visual-haptic communication. Electronic and computer engineers develop advanced hardware and software for the transmission and processing of tactile signals. Psychologists and usability experts study user interactions and design intuitive interfaces that improve overall user experience. Communication researchers focus on reducing latency and optimizing networks to support the transmission of tactile data. Specialists in virtual and augmented reality create immersive environments that effectively combine visual and tactile stimuli.

The expected Result

CeTI objectives to revolutionize digital interaction by enabling a global network where tactile interactions can be transmitted precisely and without perceptible delays, improving communication and remote collaboration. We provide solutions that automatically adapt to the specific needs of each user, making the technology accessible and useful for all age groups and levels of experience. We are setting new standards for visual-haptic communication, which will positively influence sectors such as education, healthcare, entertainment, and industry. CeTI is dedicated to building a future where sensory barriers are broken down and digital experiences are richer, more inclusive, and engaging for all users, wherever they are.

Room Leaders

Portrait of Shu Chen Li

Prof. Dr.

Shu-Chen Li

TU Dresden

Chair of Lifespan Developmental Neuroscience

Portrait of Eckehard Steinbach

Prof. Dr.

Eckehard Steinbach

TU Munich

Chair of Media Technology