TP3 Room


TP3 will develop fundamental techniques in communication, compression, coding, and control to achieve the necessary flexibility and adaptive resilience for quasi-real-time, low-latency Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and human interactions. These advancements will ensure robust and efficient performance, enhancing the responsiveness and reliability of CPS applications.

The Aim

Our aim is to develop world-leading concepts for capturing and reconstructing noisy signals, their compression, and network coding. This talent pool deals with massive amounts of sensor data and aims to break well-known trade off barriers.

The Innovation

CeTI is pioneering advancements in the handling and processing of large volumes of sensor data. Our research focuses on innovative techniques for signal capture, noise reduction, data compression, and network coding. By overcoming traditional trade offs, we aim to significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of data handling in various applications.

The Expertise

The CeTI team comprises experts from multiple disciplines to address the complexities of sensor data management. Our data scientists and engineers develop cutting-edge algorithms for capturing and reconstructing noisy signals. Compression specialists create methods to reduce data volume by up to 100 times without compromising quality. Network coding experts work on optimizing data transmission and storage. Together, we aim to revolutionize how sensor data is processed and utilized across different fields.

The expected Results

CeTI objectives to transform the landscape of data management by providing solutions that drastically reduce data volumes while maintaining high-quality signal reconstruction and transmission. Our ground breaking concepts will benefit a variety of existing applications, including healthcare, environmental monitoring, and industrial automation, by enhancing their efficiency and reducing data-related costs. CeTI is committed to advancing a future where massive sensor data is managed more effectively, providing significant improvements in data handling capabilities for a wide range of industries.

Room Leaders

Portrait of Frank Fitzek

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.

Frank H. P. Fitzek

TU Dresden

Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks

Portrait of Eckehard Steinbach

Prof. Dr.

Eckehard Steinbach

TU Munich

Chair of Media Technology