PhD Researcher

Phone: +49 351 463-31635
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Carola Böhmer

I studied mechanical engineering at TUD with a focus on textile machinery. My thesis concerned braided capacitive stretch sensors for soft robotics. Afterwords, I started working at ITM to research textile sensors and actuators and I am currently pursuing my doctorate on that topic.

Projects/co-operation within CeTI you are already involved in:
Textile sensor and actuator development.

CeTI rooms you are / will be involved in:
U3, TP2

Further questions:

What is your research interest?
Smart textiles, particularily sensor and actuator design.

What motivated you to do what you do today?
Textiles are some of the oldest man-made products and were the driving force for industrialization, their past and future fascinate me.

What do you find particularly interesting about CeTI?
The possible collaborations with a lot of excellent researchers. I love discovering new perspectives when working with.

To which question have you not found an answer lately?
How to keep my office plants alive.

How do you spend your free time?
I go on walks with my dog, cook meals I haven’t tried before and play video games.