Curriculum Vitae

Dennis Walter is working at the chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics at TU Dresden and at Racyics GmbH. At university, he is actively involved in all advanced-node tape-outs with an emphasis on physical & timing signoff. His main field of research is centered around energy-efficient implementation of integrated digital circuits at ultra-low voltages and the required modelling of statistical variation effects.
He graduated as Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) in Information and System Technology at TU Dresden in 2010, where he then started working on high-speed on-chip interconnects and cell-based design.

Projects/Cooperation within CeTI you are involved in:

Design and compatibility of components and building blocks for the Body Computing Hub (BCH)

What do you value most about your work at CeTI?

Optimizing the hardware and implementation based on specific use-cases and the direct application in demonstrators together with other groups.

What was your best moment at CeTI so far?

I am really impressed by the way CeTI tries to approach the public with all its interactive demonstrators and even school modules for pupils.

What else would you like to research?

Expanding the current set of sensor data by including stretch- and force-based sensors to model a real human-like sensing on the glove with integrated data and model processing.

How do you spend your spare time?

Reading, cycling, listen to music, …



Matthias Jobst; Johannes Partzsch; Chen Liu; Liyuan Gui; Dennis Walter; Saif-Ur Rehman; Stefan Scholze; Sebastian Höppner; Christian G. Mayr

ZEN: A flexible energy-efficient hardware classifier exploiting temporal sparsity in ECG data (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS), 2022.

(Links | BibTeX)