Our employees and partners can come and see one of our laboratories once a month. To date, four Lab Tours have already taken place.
1# Lab Tour Chair of Acoustics and Haptics
On 19 May our first Lab Tour took place, starting with the Chair of Acoustics and Haptics. Participants experienced, the KinesCeTI (kinesthetic feedback glove), mid-air vibrotactile feedback via ultrasound, the multimodal lab with movement platform and other things the chair is working on.
2# Lab Tour NCT/UCC
On June 21, all CeTI employees were able to visit the NCT/UCC and gain an insight into its research laboratories. Among other things, the endomersion demonstrator was shown and the participants got an exclusive insight into the new NCT/UCC building. Afterwards, there was a social night at our well-known pub the Hub, also on site.
3# Lab Tour Institute of Textile Machinery
On 31 August, all CeTI members were able to take part in a guided tour of the Machine Textile Institute’s laboratories. Afterwards, they visited Experimental Facility B, where they were shown some demonstrators from the three ITM-CeTI research groups and some experimental techniques. At the end of the Lab Tour, CeTI members gathered for a Pub the Hub, in the form of a picnic.
4# Lab Tour Human-in-the-Loop Lab
On 15 February, all CeTI members were able to participate in a guided tour of the Human-in-the-Loop laboratory. Members visited the neuropsychological/psychophysiological and motion capture lab, and also witnessed some psychological experiments in progress. At the end of the Lab Tour, CeTI members gathered for an aperitif together.