Curriculum Vitae

Sebastian Rettlinger studied Information Science with focus on human-machine interaction and knowledge based systems in Regensburg. Afterwards he started working in the automotive industry and was involved in various projects regarding user interface development and V2X communication. In 2016 he joined the industrial advisory board of the 5G Lab Germany where he was active until March 2020 before he co-founded the Enari GmbH. In his role as CEO one of his main tasks is the development of cutting-edge technologies for human-machine-interaction in sports- and medtech. His goal is to move the boundaries of human motion.

Projects/Cooperation within CeTI you are involved in:

Active training support project in surfing and surfdemo

What do you value most about your work at CeTI?

The interdisciplinary work of multiple chairs towards use-case centric research. I think this approach has a high potential of making new technologies useful for people.

What was your best moment at CeTI so far?

Definitely too many to list here! If I had to pick two it would be our after-work gatherings at the chair and standing on the prototype of our surfboard demo for the first time.

What else would you like to research?

Intelligent prostheses and motion prediction.

How do you spend your spare time?

Mainly boardsports and making music.



Sebastian Rettlinger; Henrik Abel; Sophie Pickert; Bastian Knaus; Giang T. Nguyen; Frank H. P. Fitzek

Detection of human-performance-indicators with an intelligent seat post (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 2022.

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Sebastian Rettlinger; Bastian Knaus; Florian Wieczorek; Nikolas Ivakko; Simon Hanisch; Giang T. Nguyen; Thorsten Strufe; Frank H. P. Fitzek

MPER – A motion profiling experiment and research system for human body movement (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops), 2022.

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