Curriculum Vitae
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Robotics and Systems Intelligence, TU Munich, since January 2025. Previously, from August 2023 till December 2024, I was also a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control, University of Stuttgart. Prior to that, I had obtained PhD in 2023 from LMU Munich, where I specialized in the interdisciplinary field between control theory and formal methods, and masters in technology (M.Tech) in 2019, with specialization in systems and control from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
Projekte/Kooperationen innerhalb von CeTI, an denen Sie beteiligt sind:
Hand-arm system development
Worin liegt Ihr Forschungsinteresse?
With a strong theoretic background in developing safe controllers for nonlinear control systems, my aim is to apply this knowledge in robotic applications to build safe and robust robot control techniques, suitable for various applications.
Was hat Sie dazu bewegt das zu tun, was Sie heute tun?
I have always found science and technology quite fascinating from my childhood. But it was during my undergraduate engineering studies that I fell in love with applied mathematics, particularly control theory. That’s where my quest to solve interesting control problems began.
Was finden Sie beim CeTI besonders interessant?
The interdisciplinary nature of the project that brings together so many ideas and disciplines to a very interesting cause of bridging the gap between humans and machines.
Wie verbringen Sie Ihre Freizeit?
When I’m not reading research papers, I read novels- thrillers, drama and historical fiction. I also play board games and occasionally, badminton.