The regularly fully booked talent development program JUNIORDOKTOR is an important project of the network Dresden – City of Science. At around 100 free events each year, children and young people come into contact with research topics at around 30 universities, research institutions and technology-oriented companies. The declared aim is to encourage curiosity, ambition and a thirst for research among the next generation of scientists. By correctly answering a total of seven questions about the events and providing proof of seven stamps, participants earn the JUNIORDOKTOR title, including a hat and certificate. Pupils from Dresden and the surrounding area can register online at from September each year.

Photograph of three different stacks of event cards and a stamp on a white table with a box behind these items
Foto eines Kindes neben einem Roboterarm, das einen intelligenten Stift benutzt. Neben dem Kind steht ein Forscher, der die Funktionsweise des Roboters erklärt.
Photograph of a girl on a robotic surfboard and three girls and a boy watching her

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