PhD Researcher

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Diego Hidalgo Carvajal

Diego is a Mechatronics Engineer, who was awarded the best graduate certificate after concluding his Bachelor’s degree. After a year of experience in industry, he started his Master’s degree in Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the National Taipei University of Technology from Taiwan where he was awarded the Excellence Recognition for the First Place on the Academic Honor Roll. During his Master’s he worked at the Industrial Technology Research Institute, where he developed novel algorithms to improve the accuracy of 5-axis CNCs on a micrometre scale. Subsequently, he worked as a research associate at the National Chung Hsing University, developing tools to simulate and enhance the performance of 5-axis CNCs. He started his Ph.D. in robotics at the Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence at TUM in 2019. Ever since, he has been a part of CeTI, working on the development of robotic hands, which embed knowledge of how humans interact with the world.

Projects/Cooperation within CeTI you are involved in:

Development of a human-manipulation-based robotic hand-arm system for telepresence (with Lingyun Chen and Sonja Groß)
Development of a framework to analyze human-object interactions to define requirements for robotic hands

CeTI rooms within CeTI you are involved in:

– Use case room U2
– Talent Pool room TP2
– Key concept room K1

Further Questions:

What do you value most about your work at CeTI?

Working with such bright minds, and benefiting from a rich interdisciplinary collaboration.

What was your best moment at CeTI so far?

When some of our colleagues from Dresden visited our institute in Munich. It was great to be able to connect with them and exchange research ideas and perspectives.

What else would you like to research?

I would love to do research on how the presence of robots influence people’s behaviour. Additionally, I would love to do research on how augmented tactile sensing could help musicians learn an instrument faster.

How do you spend your spare time?

Composing music, dancing salsa, hiking, traveling and practicing my German.


Sonja Groß; Michael Ratzel; Edgar Welte; Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; Lingyun Chen; J. Edmundo Pozo Fortunić; Amartya Ganguly; Abdalla Swikir; Sami Haddadin

OPENGRASP-LITE version 1.0: A tactile artificial hand with a compliant linkage mechanism (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024.

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Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; Hanzhi Chen; Gemma C. Bettelani; Jaesug Jung; Melissa Zavaglia; Laura Busse; Abdeldjallil Naceri; Stefan Leutenegger; Sami Haddadin

Anthropomorphic grasping with neural object shape completion (Journal Article)

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 8034–8041, 2023.

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Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; Abdeldjallil Naceri; Sami Haddadin

From human hand to grasp surface detection, tracking and analysis (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2023.

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Sonja Groß; Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; Silija Breimann; Nicolai Stein; Amartya Ganguly; Abdeldjallil Naceri; Sami Haddadin

Soft sensing skins for arbitrary objects: An automatic framework (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.

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Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; Carlos M. C. O. Valle; Abdeldjallil Naceri; Sami Haddadin

Object-centric grasping transferability: Linking meshes to postures (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2022.

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Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; Christopher Herneth; Abdeldjallil Naceri; Sami Haddadin

End-to-end from human hand synergies to robot hand tendon routing (Journal Article)

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 10057–10064, 2022.

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Nicolas Seppich; Nicholas Tacca; Kuo-Yi Chao; Milan Akim; Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; J. Edmundo Pozo Fortunić; Alexander Tödtheide; Johannes Kühn; Sami Haddadin

CyberLimb: A novel robotic prosthesis concept with shared and intuitive control (Journal Article)

In: Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 19, pp. 41:1–20, 2022.

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Abdeldjallil Naceri; Nicolò Boccardo; Lorenzo Lombardi; Andrea Marinelli; Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; Sami Haddadin; Matteo Laffranchi; Lorenzo De Michieli

From human to robot grasping: Force and kinematic synergies (Book Chapter)

In: Li, Qiang; Luo, Shan; Chen, Zhaopeng; Yang, Chenguang; Zhang, Jianwei (Ed.): Tactile Sensing, Skill Learning, and Robotic Dexterous Manipulation, Chapter 7, pp. 133–148, Academic Press, 2022.

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Uwe Aßmann; Lingyun Chen; Sebastian Ebert; Diana Göhringer; Dominik Grzelak; Diego X. Hidalgo Carvajal; Lars Johannsmeier; Sami Haddadin; Johannes Mey; Ariel Podlubne

Human–robot co-habitation in industry (Book Chapter)

In: Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Li, Shu-Chen; Speidel, Stefanie; Strufe, Thorsten; Şimşek, Meryem; Reisslein, Martin (Ed.): Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop, Chapter 3, pp. 41–75, Academic Press, 2021.
