Mental health is crucial for everything!

People who feel mentally stressed are more likely to have health problems and are less motivated and creative. Only when we feel good are we able to do good work. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
SHITSHOW empowers organizations to promote mental health at work and to create excitement around the topic. Together we will launch the Mental Health Days from 05 to 07 April 2022.

The event will take place as a hybrid event, meaning some activities are planned on-site and some will take place online. In which form the individual activities take place, you can read in the description text.



April 05, 2 pm:
How to tackle Mental Health at Work – Vision talk for mental health awareness

Understanding mental health and promoting awareness. What is mental health? Why is it so important? And what does my work have to do with it? In this 60-minute Vision Talk, we show that mental health is much more than just the absence of mental illness. We clarify why the topic is exciting and important for all of us, we show why it is essential and fun to stand up for it collectively – and why it is worthwhile for both people and organizations.
Mit einer Mischung aus fundiertem Wissen, persönlichen Anekdoten und inspirierenden Fakten schaffen wir Begeisterung für eine gemeinsame Sichtweise auf die psychische Gesundheit und sprechen mit Leichtigkeit über ein größtenteils immer noch stigmatisiertes Thema.
• The event will be held online.
• Unlimited number of participants
• 40 min Vision Talk & 20 min Q&A


April 06, 10 am:
Stress: When the pressure is on – workshop for individual stress management

Kennenlernen der persönlichen Stressoren und Entwicklung individueller Lösungsansätze für diese.
“Take a deep breath!“, „Have you tried meditation?”. There’s a lot of advice out there to help us manage our daily stress. And actually, they all sound good… it’s just that implementing them isn’t quite so easy.
In this mini workshop, we take a comprehensive perspective on the question, “Why are we stressed?” and focus on the different levels and influencing factors of stress. Participants reflect on their personal stressors, how their thoughts influence their actions and feelings of stress, and take first steps towards their very own stress resilience plan: From knowing to doing, that is!
• The event will be held online.
• Unlimited number of participants
• 120 min
• Incl. workshop materials


April 06, 2pm:

In this practice session, participants will gain insight into the spiritual practice of meditation. This exercise aims to bring calmness and focus to your mind. A meditative state affects the body positively in different ways. The heartbeat is slowed down, breathing is deepened and the muscle tension is reduced which can improve the general well-being.
• This event will be held in presence


April 06, 3 pm:
Yoga Session

Ganz wesentlich geht es beim Yoga darum, sich von der Last des Alltags zu befreien. Damit sind Rückenschmerzen durch zu langes Sitzen am Schreibtisch genauso gemeint wie innere Unruhe durch zu viel Stress. Das ultimative Ziel der Yogapraxis ist es, Ruhe in Geist und Seele zu erlangen. Yoga bietet hierbei meditative Techniken, deren Fokus auf geistiger Konzentration liegt und körperliche Übungen, die unsere Kraft und Beweglichkeit verbessern.
• This event will be held in presence.


April 07, 2 pm:
Peer Support für psychische Gesundheit - Lightening Talk über den Umgang mit emotional gestressten Kollegen

Erkennen Sie psychische Belastungen und verhalten Sie sich als Kollege unterstützend.
Psychological stress and illness do not only affect the daily work of affected persons themselves – they also have an impact on teamwork and cooperation. In many cases, there is a willingness within the team to provide support for affected colleagues – but there is a lack of knowledge about the ‘how’.
In this talk, we provide basic knowledge about mental stress and illness in the work context and point out how the social work environment – colleagues, HR representatives and managers – can actively support risk and protective factors for mental health. We also highlight do’s and don’ts in dealing with colleagues who are suffering from mental stress.
• The event will be held online.
• Unlimited number of participants
• 60min talk and 30min interaction


Mental Health Audio Guide

Erkennen Sie psychische Belastungen und verhalten Sie sich als Kollege unterstützend.
Psychological stress and illness do not only affect the daily work of affected persons themselves – they also have an impact on teamwork and cooperation. In many cases, there is a willingness within the team to provide support for affected colleagues – but there is a lack of knowledge about the ‘how’.
In this talk, we provide basic knowledge about mental stress and illness in the work context and point out how the social work environment – colleagues, HR representatives and managers – can actively support risk and protective factors for mental health. We also highlight do’s and don’ts in dealing with colleagues who are suffering from mental stress.
Das Event findet online statt.
• Unlimited number of participants
• 60min talk and 30min interaction


Registrierung hier
Join the Mental Health Days and register for the event using the online registration form below.
Please download the form, fill it out and send it to Participation is free of charge.


In Kooperation mit

Picture of a cover with blue writing 'Shitshow Mental health Consultancy'.


image of four women with a purple wall behind
Portrait of Nele Alena Schmick
Portrait of Luisa Alena Schmick
Portrait of Johanna Alena Schmick
Portrait of Benthe Alena Schmick
Portrait of Antonia
Portrait of Christine

Teilen Sie die Neuigkeiten!

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