We are thrilled to have presented our innovative Robosphere of Excellence Cluster CeTI and 6G-life to Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger and Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection Dr. Robert Habeck at the Digital Gipfel 2023 event in Jena. Prof. Frank Fitzek and Prof. Stefanie Speidel gave an informative overview of its impressive capabilities. The RoboSphere from CeTI’s Cluster of Excellence and 6G-life is a project that aims to decode one of the problems in industrial robotics, the ‘collision between robots’. With the help of a completely new algorithm, CeTI scientists have succeeded for the first time in creating intelligent robots that are able to perceive their surroundings and therefore no longer touch each other. Our calculations have shown that: If today up to 200 square metres are needed for an assembly unit, in the future nine square metres could be sufficient with our RoboSphere.

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Copyright: Tina Peißker and Steffen Walther