
Pro­­gram­mes and Ac­­tivi­­ties

Besides its research objectives CeTI will also take care of societal aspects. Special efforts will be undertaken to support young talents, to boost equal opportunities, and to create socio-economic impact.

Career development and equal opportunities play an important role at CeTI. The CeTI Career Development and Equal Opportunities Plan is intended in particular to meet an obligation to provide information and communication, as well as the aspect of continuous, structured and sustainable support for young researchers. Furthermore, the mission statement of TU Dresden’s human resources development as well as its fields of action and measures of career development are taken into account.

photo of a child moving a mechanical arm.

Kids and Families

In order to advance the vision of democratising access to skills, not only research is of fundamental importance, but also science communication in the public sphere. CeTI attaches particular importance to the youngest junior researchers, who are introduced to the topic of “tactile internet” in a playful way through various programs. In this context, CeTI actively promotes young talent in the STEM field.

  • AAAAAA post

  • Genial Sozial

    Students support local social projects in Saxony and around the world for a day.

  • Girls for Robots

    Weekly workshop on robotics and the use of technology for schoolgirls in grades 7-10.

  • Girls’ Day

    Action day for schoolgirls to gain an insight into the work of IT, crafts, natural sciences and technology.

  • Girls’ Day Akademie

    Girls in the 7th - 9th grades have the opportunity to do research together and get to know Dresden companies and universities.


    Annual talent promotion program with around 100 free events for children and young people at around 30 universities, research institutions and technology-oriented companies.

  • Robotics workshops for parents and children

    Every year, CeTI offers various workshops specifically designed for parents and their children.

Find out more about our workshops for children and families!

Photograph of a boy pointing towards a graph on a presentation slide that is projected against a wall

Teenagers and Young Adults

At CeTI, researchers from different disciplines work together to advance research. The disciplines represented are electrical and information engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, psychology and medicine. Interdisciplinarity is the key to research success. A continuous and structured promotion of young talents is important to support the students during their choice of career and studies.

  • tryING

    Trial study programme in the field of engineering at TU Dresden.

  • Check MINT

    Get a detailed insight into the STEM degree programs at TU Dresden through the mentoring program.


    At UNI-LIVE, interested students have the opportunity to get to know student life at TU Dresden and find out in detail about the courses offered.

  • Summer University

    Interestet pupils are given an insight into institutes, research facilities and laboratories.


    Week of Open Companies Saxony to gain an insight into career opportunities after school.

  • MINT-EC Camp

    4-day event for pupils to get to know the TU Dresden and everything to do with the MINT (STEM) field.

  • University day

    CeTI is giving an insight into current research projects at the open day.

Portrait picture of Hanna

I had a lot of fun at the MINT-EC-Camp. The exchange with students, other interesting people and simply getting to know university life here was really special.

Hanna | Participant MINT-EC-Camp

Find out more about the latest events for teenagers and young adults!

Schools and Students

We work actively with schools to take research findings out of our own CeTI laboratories and thus promote science communication beyond them. We have set ourselves the task and goal of promoting the next generation of pupils in the STEM field. Various interactive demonstrators are used to introduce the topic of “tactile internet”. For example, we offer various digital school modules that can be carried out in school classes.

  • CeTI School Visits

    CeTI visits schools to teach pupils how to program robots in a playful way.

  • RoboLab Visits

    Pupils can visit the Center for Tactile Internet with Human-Machine Interaction.

  • School Internship

    Pupils can gain an initial insight into the world of work at CeTI.

  • School Modules

    Use of school modules in lessons to strengthen students' digital sovereignty.

Check out our latest programmes for schools and students!

Two CeTI researchers using specific electronic devices

Researchers and Employees

CeTI actively participates in the organization of various events for medium researchers, such as PhDs and PostDocs. The events show new ways, open doors and help to expand one’s own network strategically and interdisciplinary.

  • Podcast “Exzellent erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle”

    Podcaster Larissa Vassilian interviews scientists from the Clusters of Excellence about their research.

  • CeTI Summer School

    Takes place once a year for one week to discuss CeTI research topics, among other things.

  • Lab Tour

    Together with partner institutions, guided tours of various laboratories take place once a month.

  • BeWISE

    BeWISE is aimed at female early career researchers and junior research group leaders of selected DFG-coordinated programs at TU Dresden and CeTI.

  • PD² Network

    An informal network for all PhD students and postdocs working at CeTI.

  • Women’s Network

    An informal network for all women working at CeTI, regardless of their scientific career level, for networking, professional exchange and the development of ideas.

  • ReachOut

    An exchange program with the goal of giving CeTI employees an insight into other research institutions, universities and companies.

  • Workshop Series

    An internal CeTI event where employees explain the basics of their research to their colleagues.

  • Holiday Child Care

    Available for children of the 5th – 8th grade of employees and students of the TU Dresden.

Read more about the latest events for researchers and employees!