CeTI researchers Matthias Jobst and Johannes Partzsch won the 1st prize in the pilot innovation competition “Energy-efficient AI system” of BMBF. They were part of the project team ZEN at the chair of Highly -Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics of Prof. Christian Mayr. The goal of the competition was to design a chip that can detect pathological behavior in ECG signals with as little energy as possible. To do this, the researchers used neural networks with properties that our brains also make use of. “The competition allowed us to further sharpen our concepts from CeTI, and we benefit directly from the finished chip design. This allows us to recognize gestures with minimal energy directly on a glove.” says Johannes Partzsch, technical manager of the project team. In summer a chip will be produced for this purpose, which will then be used in CeTI’s virtual research room TP4 Flexible Electronics.