Research Associate

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Kristijan Bartol

A research associate at TU Dresden, under the supervision of prof. Stefan Gumhold and prof. Bjoern Andres. Previously a research assistant at the University of Zagreb, where I am waiting for my PhD defense. I have engineering experience from Microsoft and several machine

Projects/co-operation within CeTI you are already involved in:
Physics-informed digital 3D humans

Further questions:

What is your research interest?
My current research interest are physics-informed 3D humans, which combines computer vision and graphics to improve accurate capture of humans in motion from RGB cameras.

What motivated you to do what you do today?
I like doing research, reading papers, developing and implementing ideas, I like failure and learning from my mistakes and mistakes of others. I guess self improvement is the fundamental motivation.

What do you find particularly interesting about CeTI?
The group of people focused on various interesting problems, the conditions and material needs for making improvements possible.