Curriculum Vitae
Vignesh Raman is a PhD researcher at the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks at TU Dresden. He was born in Chennai, India and studied at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia), where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering with highest honors (2021), with his thesis in quantum communication concerning quantum steganography in lossy bosonic channels. He then pursued his Master of Science degree in Quantum Science and Engineering (2023) in the University of Chicago (Chicago, Illinois) under the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering with a prestigious PME graduate fellowship. Over the course of his studies, he had worked on a multitude of research projects ranging from work in geometric topology to homomorphic encryption in security systems to the PPT squared conjecture, in addition to more recent projects concerning quantum error correction in cosmic ray affected superconducting qubit systems and quantum machine learning for financial datasets. He is currently interested in research at the intersection of 4 fields – quantum communication, quantum technologies for 6g wireless networks, network engineering and Tactile Internet architecture.
Projects/Cooperation within CeTI you are involved in:
Integrating quantum technologies into Tactile Internet architecture to realize URLLC and overcome inherent limitations of classical technologies.
What is your research interest?
In addition to the research project I am undertaking with CeTI, I am also interested in Quantum communication theory in wireless networks (5g/6g), and Quantum communication/QEC/QML protocols/systems/algorithms and optimization thereof for finance industries.
What do you find particularly interesting about CeTI?
Unlike any other organizational unit dedicated to research, there is an intrinsic understanding of the nature of the interdisciplinary work being carried out by the researchers involved owing to the intelligent division of knowledge transfer via the rooms of CeTI. I hope to make full use of the collaborative nature and wide-ranging expertise to contribute as much as I can to making the world a more peaceful and happy place.
To which question have you not found an answer lately?
- Signaling theory in theoretical evolutionary biology, the mathematical modeling of the quantum nature of biological systems (especially the physics of communication in flora and fungi, and philosophical considerations of entropy and its role in dictating/governing the existence of almost everything in our universe.
- I also wish to investigate the origin of Indo-European languages, as well as the role mathematical logic plays in delicately balancing the semantics of languages as they evolve through time.
- Finally, I am keen to investigate possibilities of introducing biological systems into horology and learn from nature as to how we could better construct unique, well-engineered time pieces.
How do you spend your free time?
I enjoy reading, seeking out new dishes and cuisines, playing a variety of video games and chess, learning everyday about horology, listening-collecting-organizing music, and the most precious of all, spending time with family.