
Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden!

In unseren Berichten finden Sie detaillierte Einblicke, Experteninterviews und aktuelle Informationen über die Fortschritte und Auswirkungen von CeTI.

  • September 2, 2024

    Elevator Pitch K4 - Ko-Adaptation

    The Elevator Pitch ist ein immersives Projekt zur Entmystifizierung der Welt der ...

  • September 2, 2024

    Elevator Pitch K4 - Ko-Adaptation

    The Elevator Pitch ist ein immersives Projekt zur Entmystifizierung der Welt der ...

  • August 27, 2024

    Start von „Girls for Robots“

    Die Workshop-Reihe „Girls for Robots“ geht am 27. August in eine neue Runde. Die ...

  • August 27, 2024

    Elevator Pitch - K3 Erweiterte Wahrnehmung und Interaktion

    The Elevator Pitch ist ein immersives Projekt zur Entmystifizierung der Welt der ...

  • August 12, 2024

    Joint Startup Workshop

    Neben der Eröffnungsrede von Rektorin Ursula M. Staudinger hielt auch Prof. Frank Fitzek ...

  • August 8, 2024

    launchhub42 ComSpace Eröffnung

    Mit großer Freude wurde am 8. August 2024 der launchhub42 ComSpace, das neue Herz ...

  • Juli 12, 2024

    Proben für die ROBOTERSINFONIE

    Die erste Probe für die ROBOTERSINFONIE in Kooperation mit der Dresdner Si ...

  • Juli 9, 2024

    Elevator Pitch - K2 Intelligente Netze

    Willkommen zum Elevator Pitch von CeTI, einem immersiven Projekt, das ...

  • Juni 24, 2024

    Video – Eröffnung CeTIBAR

    Vor etwa zwei Monaten eröffneten wir CeTIBAR an der Technischen Universität Dresden, das ...

  • Juni 24, 2024

    Campus Festival Dresden

    Professor Frank Fitzek zeigte sich beim Campus Festival in Dresden am 20. Juni ...

  • Juni 18, 2024

    Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften an der TU Dresden

    Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften an der TU Dresden war ein voller Erfolg! ...

  • Juni 11, 2024

    Elevator Pitch – K1 Haptic Codecs

    Willkommen zum Elevator Pitch von CeTI, einem immersiven Projekt, das ...

  • Mai 17, 2024

    Roberto Calandra erhält IEEE Early Academic Career Award.

    Wir freuen uns sehr, bekannt geben zu können, dass Roberto Calandra mit dem renommierten ...

  • Mai 16, 2024

    IEEE 6G Summit Dresden 2024

    Der IEEE Summit Dresden 2024 war ein lebendiger Wandteppich, gewebt aus Fäden der Innovation ...

  • Mai 10, 2024

    Elevator Pitch – TP5 Taktiles Rechnen

    Willkommen zum Elevator Pitch von CeTI, einem immersiven Projekt, das ...

  • Mai 7, 2024

    Girls' Day

    Wir hatten das Vergnügen, eine Gruppe talentierter junger Mädchen für unsere Girls' Day-Veranstaltung ...

  • April 19, 2024

    BeWISE - Stärkung der Rolle der Frauen in Wissenschaft und Technik.

    Wir freuen uns, den Erfolg der BeWISE-Konferenz hervorzuheben, einer innovativen ...

  • April 17, 2024

    Eröffnung der CeTIBAR

    We are excited to announce the opening of the CeTIBAR, an revolutionary meeting ...

  • April 5, 2024

    Elevator Pitch - TP4 Flexible Elektronik

    Willkommen zum Elevator Pitch von CeTI, einem immersiven Projekt, das ...

  • März 12, 2024

    Elevator Pitch – TP3 Kommunikation

    Willkommen zum Elevator Pitch von CeTI, einem immersiven Projekt, das ...

  • März 11, 2024

    29th Rat für Informations Infrastrukturen

    The 29th meeting of the "Rat für Informationsinfrastrukturen" took place today i ...

  • März 11, 2024


    We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to present CeTI's innovative advance ...

  • Februar 27, 2024

    Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) zwischen der Technischen Universität Dresden und der Northeastern University

    We are thrilled to announce a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) betwee ...

  • Februar 12, 2024

    Mutter-Tochter-Workshop Robotik

    On 11 February 2024, the RoboLab of the Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-i ...

  • Februar 8, 2024

    Die Wiege der Roboter von morgen

    The interview with Prof. Fitzek, Prof. Calandra, and Dr. Valori provides a capti ...

  • Februar 5, 2024

    Elevator Pitch - TP2 Sensoren und Aktuatoren

    Willkommen zum Elevator Pitch von CeTI, einem immersiven Projekt, das ...

  • Januar 23, 2024

    Robotern neue Aufgaben beibringen

    #Introducing: Roberto Calandra In a compelling interview with the Technical Univ ...

  • Januar 22, 2024

    Karrierestart 2024

    From 19-21 January, we were at the KarriereStart 2024 event at the Messe Dresden ...

  • Januar 22, 2024


    On 11 January 2024, an extraordinary event of over 30 distinguished experts from ...

  • Januar 19, 2024

    "Auf dem Weg zu intelligenten Robotern": Die Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Roberto Calandra

    Prof. Roberto Calandra, Chair of Explainable Artificial Intelligence, delivered ...

  • Januar 11, 2024

    CeTI ist Gastgeber der BRH-Sachsen-Seniorenvereinigung.

    Today marked an exciting collaboration between CeTI and the BRH-Saxony Seniors A ...

  • Januar 9, 2024

    Elevator Pitch – TP1 Humans

    Willkommen zum Elevator Pitch von CeTI, einem immersiven Projekt, das ...

  • Dezember 14, 2023

    Inklusive Technologie fördern: Erforschung und Nutzung der Vielfalt von Handbewegungen mit der CeTI-Age-Kinematic-Hand-Datenbank

    The publicly available CeTI-Age_Kinematic-Hand Database contains naturalistic ha ...

  • Dezember 13, 2023

    WICE/N2Women Joint Workshop at GLOBECOM 2023

    Prof. Frank Fitzek was one of the mentors at the WICE/N2Women Joint Workshop at ...

  • November 29, 2023

    Die Reise des EnHands-Teams nach Nepal

    We are proud to have supported the EnHands team´s trip to Nepal, where they cond ...

  • November 21, 2023

    Digital Gipfel 2023

    We are thrilled to have presented our innovative Robosphere of Excellence Cluste ...

  • November 16, 2023


    CeTI invites you to a mother-daughter robotics workshop on 11 February 2024 to m ...

  • Oktober 19, 2023

    Menschliche Leistungssteigerung durch Kombination von Soft-Robotik und künstlicher Intelligenz mit Prof. Lorenzo Masia

    We are delighted to have hosted Prof. Lorenzo Masia ( ...

  • Oktober 18, 2023

    CeTI-Studie Digitaler Planer

    We are proud to announce that our brand new CeTI digital study plan is now avail ...

  • Oktober 9, 2023

    European Wireless 2023

    We are delighted to have been one of the sponsors of European Wireless 2023. EW ...

  • September 18, 2023

    Internationale Sommerschule über KI-Anwendungen für die Medizin

    Friday marked the end of the International Summer School on AI Applications for ...

  • September 8, 2023

    Wenn Menschen und Maschinen interagieren

    In a very interesting interview with the TU Dresden, Prof. Frank Fitzek explains ...

  • September 1, 2023

    IFA 2023 - Haus der Roboter

    Robots are already familiar in the industrial world, but CeTI's RoboSphere takes ...

  • August 4, 2023

    ReachOut von Matthias Jobst

    Our researcher Matthias Jobst has joined our 'ReachOut' exchange program. This p ...

  • Juli 18, 2023

    Robotik: Neue hautähnliche Sensoren passen fast immer

    Our researchers Diego Hidalgo Carvajalv and Sonja Groß together with Dr. Amartya ...

  • Juli 13, 2023

    Robotik im Dienste der Medizin.

    In a very interesting interview with the TU Dresden, Prof. Stefanie Speidel expl ...

  • Juli 12, 2023

    Sommeruniversität 2023

    What should I study?! Many pupils ask themselves these questions. At the TU Dres ...

  • Juli 5, 2023

    automatica 2023

    CeTI, together with the 6G-life Hub, presented the start-up HYDRABYTE at the aut ...

  • Juli 4, 2023

    Nachts im Museum | Exzellente Robotikforschung aus Sachsen

    Saxony. Passion for robotics. since 1625. At the end of the 16th century, figure ...

  • Juni 26, 2023

    Girls for Robots

    From 27th August, our new AG will start: Girls for Robots! The all-day programme ...

  • Juni 14, 2023

    SECAI CeTI Summer School 2023

    From 11.09. - 15.09.2023, the SECAI CeTI Summer School 2023 will take place. Thi ...

  • Juni 13, 2023

    Tag des offenen Regierungsviertels Dresden

    Last week we were part of the open government quarter in Dresden. At the Saxon S ...

  • Juni 9, 2023

    Erasmus Inter mit Luis Fay

    I'm Louis and I'm 21. I am studying in an engineering school in France named ENS ...

  • Mai 25, 2023


    On 13 May, the TU Dresden opened its doors to prospective students, who were abl ...

  • Mai 17, 2023

    CeTI General Assembly

    The third edition of the Dresden Communication Festival took place from 8 to 12 ...

  • Mai 2, 2023

    ReachOut von Andrés Villamil

    Our researcher Andrés Villamil has joined our 'ReachOut' exchange program. This ...

  • 27. April 2023

    Girls Day 2023

    Today is Girls Day. Of course, this also applies to us at CeTI. That's why we ha ...

  • April 25, 2023

    ReachOut von Irene Valori

    Our researcher Dr. Irene Valori has joined our 'ReachOut' exchange programme. Th ...

  • März 31, 2023

    Ernennung von Martin Wagner

    We welcome our new W2 Professor, Dr. med. Martin Wagner, to the CeTI Cluster of ...

  • März 27, 2023

    Appointment of Roberto Calandra

    We welcome our new W3 Professor, Dr Roberto Calandra, to the CeTI Cluster of Exc ...

  • März 16, 2023

    Night at the Museum

    Saxony. Passion for robotics. Since 1625. In the late 16th century, figure autom ...

  • März 2, 2023

    Appointment of Verena Klös

    We welcome our new W1 professor, Dr. Verena Klös, at the Cluster of Excellence C ...

  • März 1, 2023

    SPIN 2030

    AGENDA FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STATE OF SAXONY In the coming years, Saxony's scientif ...

  • Februar 11, 2023

    Three Questions For…

    Science and gender equality are both vital for the achievement of the internatio ...

  • Januar 16, 2023

    Uni Live 2023

    What happens after graduating from high school? Which course of study is right f ...

  • Dezember 1, 2022

    Abschiedsinterview mit Clemens Dubslaff

    Our team member Dr. Clemens Dubslaff worked at the Chair of Algebraic and Logica ...

  • November 14, 2022

    Abschiedsinterview mit Florian Wieczorek

    Our CeTI team member Florian Wieczorek worked at the Institute for Textile Machi ...

  • Oktober 12, 2022


    MINT-EC is the national excellence network of schools at the upper secondary lev ...

  • Oktober 6, 2022

    Türen Auf! Mit der Maus

    Since July 10, 2011, on the occasion of the 40th birthday of die Maus, the annua ...

  • September 15, 2022

    Robotics Festival 2022

    Robot Valley on Tour: Together with the 6G-life research hub, we attended the Ro ...

  • August 30, 2022

    Ernennung von Merle Fairhurst

    We welcome our new W1 professor, Dr. Merle Fairhurst, at the Cluster of Excellen ...

  • August 17, 2022

    Dresdner Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

    Once a year, Dresden’s universities, non-university research institutions and sc ...

  • August 17, 2022

    Ernennung von Yitian Shao

    We welcome our new W1 professor, Dr.-Ing. Yitian Shao, at the Cluster of Excelle ...

  • Mai 18, 2022

    General Assembly und IEEE 5G++ Summit

    CeTI regularly invites its scientists to the General Assembly to share, recap, a ...

  • Mai 16, 2022

    Abschiedsinterview mit Jakub Limanowski

    Since June 2020, Dr. Jakub Limanowski has been part of the CeTI team as a Junior ...

  • April 26, 2022

    Appointment of Riccardo Bassoli

    We welcome our new W1 professor, Dr.-Ing. Riccardo Bassoli, at the Cluster of Ex ...

  • März 9, 2022

    Mental Health Days, 05. bis 07. April 2022

    Mental health is crucial for everything! People who feel mentally stressed are m ...

  • März 7, 2022


    The JUNIORDOKTOR talent development program, which is regularly booked out, is a ...

  • Februar 10, 2022

    KI Ausstellung

    The Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden launched the exhibition "Artificial Intelli ...

  • Februar 7, 2022

    Lab Tours

    Our employees and partners can come and see one of our laboratories once a month ...

  • Februar 4, 2022

    CeTI invites you to the half-time event of Juniordoktor

    Half-time for the 14th year of the Dresden talent development program JUNIORDOKT ...

  • Februar 1, 2022

    Kooperation mit Gynasium Pieschen

    CeTI has started a cooperation with the Gymnasium Pieschen in order to maintain ...

  • Januar 26, 2022

    Erste Episode des Podcasts "Exzellenz erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle"

    57 clusters of excellence launch joint podcast series on cutting-edge research i ...

  • November 23, 2021

    Ernennung von Anindya Nag

    Since November 2021, Dr. Anindya Nag is employed as Junior Professor at Technisc ...

  • August 30, 2021

    Berufung von Giang Nguyen

    The application process started in September 2020. Since July 2021, Dr.-Ing. Gia ...

  • Juli 8, 2021

    CeTI-Sommerschule (21. - 23. September 2021)

    The motto of this year's CeTI Summer School is "Smart Textiles & Wearables". ...

  • Juli 6, 2021

    CeTI-Projekte erhalten Sächsischen Staatspreis für Design

    Two projects of the Cluster of Excellence CeTI at TU Dresden received the Saxon ...

  • Juni 4, 2021

    Online UNITAG 2021 an der TU Dresden

    UNITAG Online takes place again in June. This is the day of the year when TU Dre ...

  • Mai 27, 2021


    I'm Jens and I studied electrical engineering in Dresden. Now I work at the Chai ...

  • Mai 27, 2021


    My name is Pablo Alvarez Romeo, born and raised in Spain, where I completed most ...

  • Mai 27, 2021

    Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik

    My name is Florian and I completed my Bachelor's degree in Clothing Technology a ...

  • Mai 4, 2021

    Sound and Science

    What does the music of tomorrow have in store for us? Artificial intelligence, a ...

  • März 22, 2021

    Erster Preis für CeTI-Forscher im Pilot-Innovationswettbewerb

    CeTI researchers Matthias Jobst and Johannes Partzsch won the 1st prize in the p ...

  • März 16, 2021

    CeTI Buch - Taktiles Internet mit Human-in-the-Loop

    CeTI's book on "Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop" has been published by E ...

  • Februar 18, 2021

    Nachwuchsforscher Dr. Jakub Limanowski erhält 'Freigeist'-Stipendium

    Junior Research Group Leader at CeTI at TU Dresden, Psychologist Dr. Jakub Liman ...

  • Januar 8, 2021

    Rising Star Workshop

    Rising Star is a workshop lasting several days for up-and-coming female scientis ...

  • Oktober 17, 2020

    Traveling Science Exhibition

    On 10.10.2020 the DRESDEN-concept Science Exhibition was festively opened on the ...

  • September 6, 2020


    I'm Philippa and I studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of ...

  • September 6, 2020


    My name is Matthias and I studied electrical engineering with a specialization i ...

  • September 6, 2020


    I am Lisa Weidmüller. I studied “Media Research, Media Practice” in my Bachelor' ...

  • September 6, 2020


    My name is Jiajing Zhang, was born and grew up in China, where I also started my ...

  • September 6, 2020


    My name is Helmuth and I studied electrical engineering with a specialization in ...

  • September 6, 2020


    I'm Dominik, I studied computer science at the TU Dresden. I then started as a d ...

  • September 6, 2020


    I'm Annika, I studied psychology at Humboldt University in Berlin and now work a ...

  • August 25, 2020

    DRESDEN-concept Wissenschaftsausstellung

    The Dresden concept science exhibition starts at the Neumarkt in Dresden at 10th ...

  • August 10, 2020

    CeTI Summer School 2020

    The motto of this year's CeTI Summer School is "Smart Textiles & Wearables". ...

  • Oktober 29, 2019

    Invitation to participate in our CeTI-related user study regarding spatial understanding

    Based on tasks on the computer or in virtual reality (VR), your ability to remem ...

  • Oktober 25, 2019

    Preparation of the CeTI Child Holiday care

    As CeTI, we are currently preparing a part of the children's holiday care at TU ...

  • Oktober 4, 2019

    DDc Science Tram – Special Tour

    'Privacy, Internet of Things and Computer Games - from then until tomorrow' is t ...

  • Juli 12, 2019

    Official Video of the CeTI Truck

    Finally the official video of the CeTI Truck is online. 17 meters long, weighing ...

  • Juli 12, 2019

    Cluster of Excellence CeTI – against racism

    We, the team of the Cluster of Excellence “Centre for Tactile Internet with Huma ...

  • Juli 11, 2019

    CeTI Summer School at TU Dresden

    The Summer School of the Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop will ...

  • Juni 14, 2019

    Der CeTI-Truck ist auf dem TUD-Campus angekommen

    No more science in an ivory tower: this is where things really get down to busin ...